traces -2020-now
traces ist eine experimenteller Zusammensschluss innerhalb dessen Kathrin Köster, Daniel Kupferberg, Marei Löllmann, Carolin Seeliger und Lee Stevens ihre individuellen künstlerischen Praxen miteinander verflechten, um dabei u.A. das gemeinschaftliche Weben als Metode des kollektiven Arbeitens zu erkunden. Sie schaffen installative und prozesshafte Räume, die aus einer gemeinsamen Handlung heraus in den jeweiligen ortsspezifischen Situationen entstehen. Die parallel laufenden, einander berührenden oder miteinander verschlungenen Spuren erzeugen und verweisen auf die Aktion, nicht auf die Autor:innenschaft.
traces is an experimental amalgamation within which Kathrin Köster, Daniel Kupferberg, Marei Löllmann, Carolin Seeliger and Lee Stevens interweave their individual artistic practices to explore collaborative weaving as a method of collective labour. They create installa- tive and processual spaces that emerge from collective action in site-specific situations. These parallel, touching or intertwined traces generate and refer to shared gestures, rather than to individual authorship.

Interflugs 30: feral methods -2021
interflugs 30: feral methods aims to examine and update the context of autonomous, collective educational and cultural practice in Berlin and beyond based on three decades of self-organised learning and teaching. Interflugs is an autonomous student-run organisation that originated in large scale protests in West Berlin 1989 against the economisation of education. As a result of the strike, students from the University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin were able to secure organising power and a budget that allowed them to set up their own curriculum and facilities, mainly geared towards interdisciplinarity and new media, which at the time did not exist at the institution. Over the past 30 years, the group has been running workshops, lectures, an equipment loan and editing rooms that are open to students and non-students alike. For many years, students also ran a “Freie Klasse” (free class) studying outside the oversight of a professor, hereby defying the ancient masterclass system. Interflugs works to increase access to the means of (art) production, to question the institution, and to support emancipatory struggles inside as well as outside the school. Despite increasing precarity, Interflugs has strived, in different ways and times, to offer a place to gather for those who desire transformation or rebellion against the dominant ideology of the arts university and for those dreaming it anew.

Blister- 2019
Carolin Seeliger & Lee Stevens
Carolin Seeliger’s Tents- the architectural smallest possible private spaces, printed with bikini-models and advertisement slogans, form some sort of self optimisation campsite where self-discovery and consumerism mingle. Within capitalism There is friction between heteronomy and self-government concerning ones body. The function of the body as a productive or working force needs to be maintained through self-improvement. What remains is the retreat into the protective, blister-like tent.
Lee Stevens bakes fragile hands from salt dough, taken from Sandro Botticelli’s picture „Primavera“ – an alluring sight of an orange grove, flooded with flowers and waving fabrics on beautiful mostly divine bodies. It is the epitome of beauty. This image is contrasted by the domestic, inadequate material of salt dough, which offers a certain kind of escapism in it’s craft. United within retreat and protection, hands and tents touch, trying to make a dare contact without injuring each other.
gemeinsam unerträglich. ein dokumentarisches Mosaik -2018
Hörstück- 60 Minuten
von Ernest Ah, Sabrina Saase und Lee Stevens
vom Kollektiv der Raumerweiterungshalle
Zaghaft von 3tot
Lach und Flüster von 3tot
oT von Erweiterte Orgasmus Gruppe
Nazis von Namenlos
Chemnitz von Baumarkt
Sound art: T Blank
Lektorat: Tine Rahel Völcker
Mastering: Maxim Franks
Studio: reboot.fm / Noémie Cayron
translation: Sara Stevenson
copyeditor translation: Nine Eglantine Yamamoto-Masson
перевод: Анита Азизи
tłumaczenie: Małgorzata Behlert
Heft Layout template: Elsa Westreicher
Interviews mit:
Nancy Andler, Bettina Dziggel, Tina Elischer, Samirah Kenawi, Nadja Schallenberg
außerdem Dank an:
Suza Husse, Elske Rosenfeld, Rebecca Hernandez Garcia, Diana McCarty, Kristine Schmidt
und an alle, mit denen wir im vergangenen Jahr für verschiedene Teile dieser Arbeit gemeinsam recherchieren durften:
Jana Frieß, Elena Schmidt, Mandy Stieber, Tine Rahel Völcker und alle weiteren Beteiligten an der Reihe „Asozial“ geliebt- geliebt asozial? in der Raumerweiterungshalle
und an das ganze Team von wildes wiederholen. material von unten, ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt von District Berlin und dem Archiv der DDR-Opposition/ Grauzone
eine Raumerweiterungshalle-Produktion 2018